Natal 1881 First Boer War Officers Letter "In The Field"
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1881 FIRST BOER WAR "In the Field, No Stamps Procurable" repurposed OHMS blue envelope FRONT (210x125mm) being a spectacular QUADRUPLE RATE OFFICER'S LETTER from the Beresford correspondence, forwarded from active duties in the field via Pietermaritzburg to Ireland. Franked with pair QV 1/- POSTAGE overprints (SG 84) tied Numeral 1 canceller with GPO Natal cds 6 2 81 WITHIN THE PERIOD OF THE WAR (16/12/1880-23/3/1881). A rare surviving campaign mail piece from this conflict, particularly noteworthy as in-date and routed via Natal rather than the more usually (infrequently!) seen Transvaal routings of Beresford post-war letters. Imperfections, a rare and engaging piece. The sender, Captain Charles Beresford of the Royal Engineers, was on active service for the then-ongoing Transvaal War of Independence (1st Boer War), his Regiment continuing after the conflict with peace-keeping duties.