South Africa 1939 DETA Flood Mail Lourenco Marques to Joburg

CHF 1'685.00
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1939 DETA MOCAMBIQUE FLOOD MAIL: Wonderful attractive envelope from Lourenco Marques to Johannesburg carried on the single DETA flight this direction on 11th February. Franked as required with the minimum airmail rate of 1Esc20c and bearing airmail label. Stamps tied by Lourenco Marques Posta Area cds's of 10 2 39 with Johannesburg arrival cds of 11 II 39 on reverse. Superb, exceedingly rare, little mail being carried and few surviving from only a single DETA flight in each direction. In February 1939 heavy rains fell in the Northeastern Transvaal with resultant impassibility of roads and railway lines accessing Mozambique. South African Airways maintained its usual schedule but it was found necessary to utilise the services of the Portuguese airline DETA for conveyance of mails on two occasions, the subject cover being from the Lourenco Marques - Johannesburg sending of 11th February which apparently comprised only 60 letters. Literature is non-committal as to dates of flights due to paucity of material; we place reliance on the definitive - with supporting covers - commentary of Polakow on the JNB-LM service 7th Feb (only) and the LM-JNB service 11th Feb (only). Although he lists the flights, Burrell (1986) states "Mail by DETA is unrecorded". An elusive exhibition piece due to minimal notice given to the public of the special dispatch, subject letter being from Lourenco Marques philatelist Virgilio Netto. Ex Polakow. See additional image.